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Homework Request for Absences

Homework requests will be taken on the day(s) of absence. Requests must be made by the following methods:

  1. Send a note to the office through a sibling or neighbor's child stating for Homework Request for absent child(ren)

  2. Before 8:30 A.M. call the office at (808) 971-6922 ex. 300

All homework requests are to be picked up at the office between 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


When a child arrives in school after 8:00 a.m. he/she must report to the office for a tardy slip before going to class. If a child is chronically tardy, the counselor will contact the child’s parents to determine the causes for such tardiness and work out remedial procedures. (After 8:00 a.m., a parent/adult must escort and sign-in the child at the office.) Tardiness is considered UNEXCUSED.

Off-island Trips

It is strongly recommended that a trip be taken during the days and/or months that school is not in session (ie. Spring Break, Winter Recess, Summer Break, & Fall Recess.). Please remember that these absences could affect your child(ren)'s academic standing and will be UNEXCUSED Absences. Teachers are not required to provide homework or make-up work for child(ren) on trips. If you have to take a trip during school time, you must fill out a "Notification of Trip" form.

Effective August 2004, OFF-ISLAND TRIPS for reasons other than funeral or family illness will be considered unexcused absences. For funeral services or attending to a family illness, parents/guardians must clear the absence through administration prior to departure.

In order to receive clearance from administration, parent/guardian will be required to fill out a Funeral Leave Request form available in the office. In addition, parents/guardians may need to meet with an Administrator to explain the circumstances and reasons for an extended absence. Following set guidelines, an administrator will approve a number of excused absence days for each applicant, and student will be excused for those days only.

Early Release

If your child needs to be taken out of the school during the day, send a note to your child(ren)'s teacher or call the office in an emergency. The parent or guardian WILL REPORT TO THE OFFICE to sign child(ren) out of school. Note: NO STUDENT WILL BE PERMITTED TO LEAVE CAMPUS WITHOUT AN ADULT WHOSE NAME IS ON THAT CHILD'S EMERGENCY CARD.


Jefferson Elementary School

324 Kapahulu Ave.

Honolulu, HI 96815, USA

Contact Us

(808) 971-6922


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