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Choose Love
Showing some school spirit from our wonderful EAs reminding us to Choose Love!

Mahalo Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce!
Thank you the Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce for donating 1,000 youth face masks and 1,000 student/adult face masks.

Mahalo Starbucks!
JES would like to thank all of the Starbucks coffeehouses in the Waikiki area for their generous donation of school supplies. These supplies will be put to good use and will allow our students to come to school with the supplies that are needed in order to promote a positive learning environment.

Thursday Bentos
At JES, we are fortunate to have partnerships with many outstanding businesses in the Waikiki Community. One of these businesses is Hula Grill Waikiki. They were nice enough to provide a bento for our JES TEAM today. There were barbeque ribs, seasoned chicken, and even vegetarian bentos that were prepared. Mahalo to Hula Grill Waikiki and mahalo to our JES TEAM for all of the hard work and dedication to making sure that our students and families are provided with the highest quality educational opportunities!

Friday - August 7, 2020 PD #4:
Our JES TEAM learning via face-to-face and online instruction Lots of learning and PD provided by our classroom TEAM of teachers. It's a "chicken skin" moment when you learn from other members of our TEAM! There are so many talented individuals out there and we are fortunate that we have TEAM members who were willing to present/share the following topics: Bitmoji, Donors Choose, uploading worksheets on to a digital platform, and Pear Deck.

Friday - August 7, 2020 PD #4:
Our JES TEAM learning via face-to-face and online instruction Lots of learning and PD provided by our classroom TEAM of teachers. It's a "chicken skin" moment when you learn from other members of our TEAM! There are so many talented individuals out there and we are fortunate that we have TEAM members who were willing to present/share the following topics: Bitmoji, Donors Choose, uploading worksheets on to a digital platform, and Pear Deck.

PD Day 3 -1.JPG
More Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) for our JES TEAM. Flower petals on both the front and back of campus now have some color to them! Thank you to ALL JES TEAM members who took some of their precious time to create these pieces of art. In addition to SEL, today's PD focused on See Saw and Google Classroom (online learning platforms) that out teachers will be using for their blended learning online instruction.

PD Day 3 -2.JPG
More Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) for our JES TEAM. Flower petals on both the front and back of campus now have some color to them! Thank you to ALL JES TEAM members who took some of their precious time to create these pieces of art. In addition to SEL, today's PD focused on See Saw and Google Classroom (online learning platforms) that out teachers will be using for their blended learning online instruction.

PD Day 3 -3.JPG
More Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) for our JES TEAM. Flower petals on both the front and back of campus now have some color to them! Thank you to ALL JES TEAM members who took some of their precious time to create these pieces of art. In addition to SEL, today's PD focused on See Saw and Google Classroom (online learning platforms) that out teachers will be using for their blended learning online instruction.

Preparing for School Opening - 1
JES TEAM members were able to sign a "Welcome Back Students" banner as a part of our PD Day #2. There are a total of 2 banners, as we have 2 main entrance points on our campus.
As we continue to provide our TEAM with the PD needed to prepare for the start this schol year.
As we continue to provide our TEAM with the PD needed to prepare for the start this schol year.

Preparing for School Opening - 2
JES TEAM members were able to sign a "Welcome Back Students" banner as a part of our PD Day #2. There are a total of 2 banners, as we have 2 main entrance points on our campus.
As we continue to provide our TEAM with the PD needed to prepare for the start this schol year.
As we continue to provide our TEAM with the PD needed to prepare for the start this schol year.

PD Day #1 - Social Emotional Learning -1
A part of our PD Day #1 was spent on social-emotional learning. Over the summer, our EAs come in to paint flowers around our Jefferson logo and our Kamuki complex logo. Today . . our JES TEAM spent some time painting in the petals of each flower and wrote positive and uplifting messages on flowers that were painted. When our students return to school on August 17th . . they will be greeted with a colorful hand-painted lei and positive messages to get their day started on the right foot!

PD Day #1 - Social Emotional Learning-2
A part of our PD Day #1 was spent on social-emotional learning. Over the summer, our EAs come in to paint flowers around our Jefferson logo and our Kamuki complex logo. Today . . our JES TEAM spent some time painting in the petals of each flower and wrote positive and uplifting messages on flowers that were painted. When our students return to school on August 17th . . they will be greeted with a colorful hand-painted lei and positive messages to get their day started on the right foot!

PD Day #1 - Social Emotional Learning-3
A part of our PD Day #1 was spent on social-emotional learning. Over the summer, our EAs come in to paint flowers around our Jefferson logo and our Kamuki complex logo. Today . . our JES TEAM spent some time painting in the petals of each flower and wrote positive and uplifting messages on flowers that were painted. When our students return to school on August 17th . . they will be greeted with a colorful hand-painted lei and positive messages to get their day started on the right foot!

Registration/Release - Office Hours.1
Registration for School year 2020-2021 and Release from JES for School year 2020-2021 is currently taking place. Our office will be open Monday through Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm. Please make sure that you have all of the required documents, as this will help to decrease the amount of time that it takes to process your registration/release. Thank you!

Registration/Release - Office Hours.2
Registration for School year 2020-2021 and Release from JES for School year 2020-2021 is currently taking place. Our office will be open Monday through Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm. Please make sure that you have all of the required documents, as this will help to decrease the amount of time that it takes to process your registration/release. Thank you!

Registration/Release - Office Hours.3
Registration for School year 2020-2021 and Release from JES for School year 2020-2021 is currently taking place. Our office will be open Monday through Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm. Please make sure that you have all of the required documents, as this will help to decrease the amount of time that it takes to process your registration/release. Thank you!

Distance Learning Packet #2, Book Returns, and Grade 5 Student School Supply Pick-up.1
Packets have been prepped and procedures are in place for textbook/library book returns. Grade 5 student school supplies have also been packed by our grade 5 TEAM of teachers. These items may be picked up/dropped off next week Monday (May 4th) from 8:00am - 11:00am and next week Tuesday (May 5th) from 12:00NOON-3:00pm. Hope to see all of you next week!

Distance Learning Packet #2, Book Returns, and Grade 5 Student School Supply Pick-up.2
Packets have been prepped and procedures are in place for textbook/library book returns. Grade 5 student school supplies have also been packed by our grade 5 TEAM of teachers. These items may be picked up/dropped off next week Monday (May 4th) from 8:00am - 11:00am and next week Tuesday (May 5th) from 12:00NOON-3:00pm. Hope to see all of you next week!

Here are some pictures that were taken this morning (Friday- April 3rd). Like our gardens thrive when they are provided with the resources (sunlight, water, soul) they need... our students will thrive with the resources they have been provided with (learning packets and online learning)

Here are some pictures that were taken this morning (Friday- April 3rd). Like our gardens thrive when they are provided with the resources (sunlight, water, soul) they need... our students will thrive with the resources they have been provided with (learning packets and online learning)

Here are some pictures that were taken this morning (Friday- April 3rd). Like our gardens thrive when they are provided with the resources (sunlight, water, soul) they need... our students will thrive with the resources they have been provided with (learning packets and online learning)

Here are some pictures that were taken this morning (Friday- April 3rd). Like our gardens thrive when they are provided with the resources (sunlight, water, soul) they need... our students will thrive with the resources they have been provided with (learning packets and online learning)

Here are some pictures that were taken this morning (Friday- April 3rd). Like our gardens thrive when they are provided with the resources (sunlight, water, soul) they need... our students will thrive with the resources they have been provided with (learning packets and online learning)

Here are some pictures that were taken this morning (Friday- April 3rd). Like our gardens thrive when they are provided with the resources (sunlight, water, soul) they need... our students will thrive with the resources they have been provided with (learning packets and online learning)
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